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Meshlink邁訊科技的合作夥伴-Amarisoft, Druid, emblasoft, Simnovus, Valid8, Welzek等將在2025 MWC有設立展位,歡迎各方好友及業界夥伴在展會上見面。 Meshlink will be attending MWC 2025 in Barcelona, Spain, and we look forward to connecting with our partners and friends there. Let us know if you'll be attending—we'd love to meet you! We also welcome industry experts to visit our partners at their booths. Please find the detailed information below.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Amarisoft現已推出2024-12-13版的正式版本。 The latest official release 2024-12-13 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
Candela的工程師利用LANforge探索Wi-Fi7中的一大新功能-Preamble Puncturing。文章中從封包去分析Preamble Puncturing展現的行為及探討潛在的優勢。 Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Candela LANforge 2023年開始在市場上導入Wi-Fi7, TR-398 issue3 issue4等最新的測試方案。在新技術的探討(4096QAM, MRU, MLO及preamble puncturing)及對應測試上都提供領先市場的資訊。
Meshlink將與Welzek為准電子參與MWC Las Vegas 2024,展場中將帶來T6290系列WiFi7/5G/UWB測試解決方案。歡迎各位於10/8至10/10到Las Vegas Convention Center的West Hall 1320展位與我們見面。
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Amarisoft現已推出2024-09-13版的正式版本。 The latest official release 2024-09-13 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
邁訊科技代理的Candela LANforge 於8/27上線了最新版的LANforge軟體(5.4.8),本次的版本開始支持了最新的WiFi7虛擬用戶、WiFi7 MLO (eMLSR)、TR-398i4新增測項(Puncturing, OFDMA, BSS color等測項)。 The latest official release 5.4.8 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
邁訊科技Meshlink代理的Candela LANforge 於2024年8月推出了最新一代可攜式WiFi7 4x4 三頻測試設備-CT521-at7,設備除了滿足WiFi 4x4的連線能力外還可同時在2.4G,5G及6G頻段同時模擬各19個WiFi用戶端設備,對AP(Access Point)設備做功能性的驗證。 Now, the latest CT521-at7 (CT521-at7-ext) is available to verify your product. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
2024/7/1當週,Druid Software 參加了 ETSI在法國 ETSI Antibes Sophia Antipolis 場所舉行的第四次FRMCS 插拔測試(Plugtest)。 ETSI 在歐盟委員會 (EC)、歐洲自由貿易協會 (EFTA)、關鍵通訊協會 (TCCA) 和國際化學聯盟 (UIC) 的支持下組織本次活動。
測試鐵路通訊的功能別名(Functional Aliases) 鐵路行業,特別是歐洲的鐵路行業,正在尋求從全球鐵路移動通信系統 (GSM-R) 轉向 FRMCS(未來鐵路移動通信系統)。 與許多行業一樣,目前使用的技術已經過時,並且很快就會過時。   功能別名(Functional Aliases)的角色是 FRMCS 中的一個重要領域。正如《今日關鍵通信》中所討論的,功能別名允許「使用者(根據其當前的操作角色)向其他人展示他們的形象。 雖然這看起來是新標準可以解決的簡單功能,但實際上該功能具有很大的複雜性,可能會對標準開發的其他領域產生影響。  
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Amarisoft現已推出2024-06-14版的正式版本。 The latest official release 2024-06-14 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的為准電子T6290F UWB測試系統順利通過FiRa聯盟物理層一致性測試2.0版本認證。 2023年10月,T6290F順利通過FiRa聯盟物理層一致性測試1.0版本。 FiRa新推出的2.0認證計劃促進了晶片組、設備和服務基礎設施之間的兼容性,支援新用例的開發並促進UWB 驅動的應用程式的廣泛採用。
邁訊科技代理的Candela LANforge 於3/8上線了最新版的LANforge軟體(5.4.7),本次的版本開始支持了最新的WiFi7、TR-398i4新增測項。 The latest official release 5.4.7 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Amarisoft現已推出2024-03-15版的正式版本。 The latest official release 2024-03-15 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理品牌Amarisoft在MWC24中為Intel展位上的5G專網提供了vRAN(virtual Radio Access Network).
本文章簡介了傳統的WiFi測試概念與手法,並提供另一種真實設備測試的方式,有機會更貼近終端用戶的使用者體驗。文章轉載編輯自Candela LANforge的應用介紹。Candela LANforge是邁訊科技Meshlink長期代理並技術支持的產品,產品目標在協助使用者利用最有效的資金成本完成最新的技術測試,包含WiFi7,6GHz頻段等測試。
Meshlink邁訊科技代理品牌Amarisoft正式推出新的UE模擬器系列AMARI UE Simbox MBS Series,新的高效能平台同時可以選配UDC支援FR2頻段完成最高1000個UE的模擬。實體demo將在MWC24的5I51展位中為各位揭示。
Meshlink邁訊科技代理品牌Druid將參加MWC24與客戶會面討論最新的5G專網議題,包括涵蓋各領域的關鍵任務應用,除此之外也可以在展會中拜訪Druid的合作夥伴了解更多應用實例。 Join us in Booth 6C40 in Hall 6 where our team will be on hand to give you more information about our industry leading core network platform Raemis™, built specifically for business and mission-critical use across all industries.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Simnovus將於MWC24上展示虛擬化 O-RU 模擬器、NTN(非地面網路)、Red Cap等最新科技。歡迎任何5G相關的廠商至MWC的展位( 5K16 )了解更多資訊。 Gear up for MWC2024! We're prepping a showcase you won't want to miss at booth 5K16. Book your personalized demo now: https://lnkd.in/ekYdiYXc See you in Barcelona!
Meshlink邁訊科技代理品牌Valid8.com, Inc. 宣布成功完成了在 DHS 小型企業創新研究 (SBIR) 23.1 階段 I 合約中的可行性測試。他們創建、執行並最初驗證了 Valid8 任務關鍵服務 (MCX) 伺服器測試工具的概念證明,以符合當前的 3GPP 規格 TS 36.579-3 v13.2.0。此外,Valid8 還成為首家在商用 MCX 伺服器上執行自動化任務關鍵即時對講 (MCPTT) 伺服器對伺服器測試的公司。通過實現 3GPP 規格的自動化測試用例,Valid8 展示了創建 MCX 伺服器對伺服器測試工具的可行性,以及執行伺服器對伺服器測試的能力。這項工作的重要性在於,他們成功證明了能夠創建一個能夠執行和自動化任務關鍵伺服器對伺服器測試的測試工具的可行性。
領先的半導體測試設備供應商Advantest Corporation(TSE:6857)今天宣布與無線解決方案提供商Amarisoft 合作,讓Amarisoft 的4G 和5G AMARI Callboxes 用戶能夠利用Advantest 的Micro Line Test ( MLT) 測試管理軟體。透過現有的AMARI Callbox,Amarisoft 客戶可以存取Advantest 軟體的增強型使用者介面(UI),該介面旨在最大程度地提高易用性,以及透過與領先電信網路營運商密切合作開發的營運商認證測試計劃。Meshlink邁訊科技作為Advantest W2Bi 及Amarisoft的代理商,將協助任何有相關興趣的客戶做更深入的介紹,更多關於功能細節及電信商的測試案例,請立即與邁訊科技業務行銷部門聯繫(sales@meshlink.com.tw)。
First NTN Rel17 5G NR end to end Call and Data Transfer over ASIA 9 geostationary Satellite Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Amarisoft完成了首次透過地球同步衛星ASIA 9完成端到端的NTN Rel17 5G NR通話及資料傳輸。傳輸過程包含透過Amarisoft Callbox基站模擬器及SIMBOX UE模擬器藉由n25​​6 頻段穿透地面站及ASIA 9衛星完成此次的通話及傳輸。更多關於Amarisoft的功能細節及各項無線技術,請立即與邁訊科技技術服務部門聯繫(support@meshlink.com.tw)。
ALifecom's upcoming TechDay event on January 12, 2024. As a pioneer in our industry, we take great pride in showcasing our groundbreaking achievements in 5G NTN and WiFi7 core competence technologies.
恭喜!Welzek 為准電子通過FiRa聯盟UWB一致性認證
我們很高興向您發出獨家邀請,參加ALifecom 即將於2024 年1 月12 日舉行的TechDay 活動,度過一個致力於創新和技術進步的特殊日子。作為我們行業的先驅,我們為展示我們在5G NTN方面的突破性成就
Quectel and Amarisoft support increased adoption of NTN capabilities.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Druid 與SKYLO 聯合展示非地面網路 (NTN)。Druid將在2023 MWC Las Vegas的展位上(#1024)與SKYLO邀請與會者參觀了解他們的尖端解決方案。
工研院,聚積(Macroblock)和邁訊科技 (Meshlink) 在台北國際航太暨國防工業展聯合展出成功
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Druid Raemis將在MWC Las Vegas 2023上跟客戶碰面。Join us in Booth 1024 where our team will be on hand to give you more information about our industry leading core network platform Raemis™
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Amarisoft現已推出2023-09-08版的正式版本。 The latest official release 2023-09-08 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
Meshlink將與Welzek為准電子參與SEMICON Taiwan 2023,展場中將帶來T6290系列WiFi7/5G/UWB測試設備。歡迎各位於9/6至9/8,到台北南港展覽館一館1樓K區 K3185展位與我們見面。
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Candela LANforge於2023年8月正式發表了WiFi7的測試平台。WiFi7導入320MHz的頻寬、4096QAM的調變技術(MCS12/13)、MLO (Multi-Link Operation)、MRU (Multi-Resource Unit)等新的技術,更多的技術使得驗證也會更具挑戰性。
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Druid Raemis在 RAKUTEN SYMPHONY SYMCLOUD™ 平台上經過測試和驗證。
The latest official release 5.4.6 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information. 邁訊科技代理的Candela於7/14上線了最新版的LANforge軟體(5.4.6)
本篇文章將介紹MCPTT結合5G專網的應用,除了傳統的軍警消外,更可用於商用環境。同時邁訊科技Meshlink結合代理的Druid Raemis可完成MCPTT等關鍵通信服務的整合,並提出服務導向的架構提供業主及夥伴諮詢。
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Valid8最近參加了在法國舉行的第三屆FRMCS Plugtest活動!這次活動考驗了Valid8的系統,並進一步提高了與行業內其他公司的互通性。
本篇文章將分享隨著eSIM裝置的普及結合5G專網的應用將帶來許多便利使用者及業主的應用場景發生。同時邁訊科技Meshlink結合代理的Druid Raemis已可成功完成eSIM的整合,並提出服務導向的架構提供業主及夥伴諮詢。
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Amarisoft現已推出2023-06-10版的正式版本。 The latest official release 2023-06-10 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Druid Raemis現在已被導入在Dell的開放電信實驗室中(OPEN TELECOMS ECOSYSTEM LAB)為全球電信和技術提供商提供測試平台。
Meshlink作為Simnovus在台灣的獨家代理商,誠摯恭喜5G測試創新的領導者Simnovus完成了首輪的融資。 Simnovus, an innovative software startup that helps 5G disruptors accelerate their products and services, today announced a $2M Series A fundraise.
Amarisoft Callbox Extreme Data sheet https://www.amarisoft.com/app/uploads/2023/02/AMARI-Callbox-Extreme.pdf AMARI Callbox Extreme is Amarisoft high end product for testing NR  and LTE user equipments. With its six embedded SDR 100 Cards, It supports 6 NR cells 100MHz 4x4 at the same time in sub 6GHz bands.Thanks to an additional FR2 Package the AMARI Callbox Extreme can also deliver 10 cells 100MHz 2x2 in mmWave (FR2).
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Amarisoft現已推出2023-03-17版的正式版本。 The latest official release 2023-03-17 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Druid Raemis在2023 MWC前宣佈跟Mavenir新的E511 5G基站成功建接。 Mavenir has successfully configured & connected their new E511 5G small cell to the Druid Raemis 5G SA Core platform as part of testing for their new small cell, which is ideal for Communication Service Providers and Private Network Operators targeting 5G in-building coverage for enterprise and public spaces.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Amarisoft宣佈了與AMD合作推出最新的5G網路方案AMARI Callbox Extreme。新的Callbox支援4G, 5G NSA及SA,最高支援到10個載波(carrier)的FR2毫米波MIMO 2x2或6個載波(carrier)的sub-6GHz 4x4 100MHz。 Amarisoft delivers Callbox Extreme. It supports 4G, 5G NSA and SA as well as NR-DC with up to 10 carriers in FR2 MIMO 2×2 or 6 carriers in sub-6 GHz MIMO 4×4.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Simnovus將於2023 MWC上展示純軟體基礎的O-RU模擬方案,用以針對ORAN中的O-DU(Distribution Unit)做測試。 歡迎任何5G相關的廠商至MWC的展位( 6D53 )了解更多資訊。 Simnovus will be exhibiting at booth 6D53, showcasing our products and demonstrate how they are helping accelerate RAN validation.
邁訊科技有限公司因業務拓展現已搬至新的辦公室  【新公司聯絡資料】  電話號碼: (02) 8522-9590 (維持不變) 傳真號碼: (02) 8522-9591 (維持不變) 公司地址: 24250 新北市新莊區新北大道三段7號14樓-7
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Valid8將於2023 MWC上展示最新的Mobile Loader。 歡迎任何5G相關的廠商至MWC的展位( 5K36 )了解更多資訊。 Valid8 will be exhibiting at booth 5K36, showcasing our latest 5G security testing solutions.
We are happy to support a test environment that combines Amarisoft callbox, UE, and QA Cafe test environment. QA Cafe, Amarisoft and Meshlink team up to provide manufacturers and telcos with an end to end solution for fixed to wireless device testing. #5G #FWA #LTE #testing #NR
Amarisoft is part of the FT120, through the growth-based selection path and is founding member of the European Association of Next Generation Telecommunications Network Innovators.
Emblasoft will show you how our solutions have enabled Kaloom’s high-performance UPF to scale to millions of subscribers – meeting terabit performance goals.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Druid Raemis將在2023 MWC上跟客戶碰面。Looking forward to seeing you at MWC Barcelona 2023, 27 February – 2 March @ Stall 6C40 in Hall 6. Discover the latest Industry innovations for 5G & 4G Private Cellular Networks from market leader Druid Software.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Druid Raemis被德國Opticoms在慕尼黑Bauma Fair上用來展示了5G遠端無人挖土機。
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Druid Raemis結合IP PBX企業總機系統展示5G VoNR到公司內部分機之間通話及5G VoNR對外部市話、手機通話,讓5G私網無縫接軌企業既有電話網路並方便整合管理。
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Amarisoft現已推出2022-12-16版的正式版本。 The latest official release 2022-12-16 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Candela LANforge現已推出第二代Wi-Fi 6E測試模組。 Candela LANforge provide the alternative MTK Wi-Fi 6E solution for virtual clients. Please contact Meshlink sales team sales@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information.
The latest official release 5.4.5 now is available to update. Please contact Meshlink support team support@meshlink.com.tw to get the detailed information. 邁訊科技代理的Candela於10/7上線了最新版的LANforge軟體(5.4.5)
邁訊科技代理愛爾蘭商 Druid Software 即將在 MWC 拉斯維加斯 W1.617,邀請業界來獲得最新 #5GSA Private network We'll be at MWC Las Vegas 2022 on Sept 28th - 30th at Booth W1.617.
邁訊科技代理的法商 AMARISOFT 邀請業界朋友到拉斯維加斯 MWC W2.1325 位置. AMARISoftware at MWC 2022 Las Vegas
This virtual-station solution is also more affordable than the 32-station tri-band radio version of this testbed.
The latest official release 2022-06-17 now is avaliable to update.
At MxD's Chicago headquarters and Factory Floor Lab this network, powered by Druid Software and Airspan Networks, is one of the first indoor private #5G deployments in the US, that will serve as the foundation to develop and enable technologies that power Industry 4.0.
Wi-Fi 6 is the latest generation in the well-known and very widely adopted Wi-Fi technology. Wi-Fi 1 was launched in 1999, and version 6 was officially presented in 2019. The previous generations used the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, so did Wi-Fi 6 (to not make it confusing), but Wi-Fi 6E is capable of operating on the 6 GHz band as well. The Wi-Fi Alliance describes it as “allowing 14 additional 80 MHz channels and 7 additional 160 MHz channels”, who will not overlap with each-other as to reduce congestion, especially in areas with a lot of networks.
Cilab has received NFC Forum Test Release 13.1 certification for wireless charging certification (WLC) testing and is to release a testing suite for its ci230 high-speed tester that will enable developers and manufacturers to ensure their NFC devices meet updated NFC Forum specifications.
The alternative solution of 100Mhz Bandwidth in 5G call box, Amarisoft Advance call box, with its two embedded SDR 100 Cards, It can support 1 NR cell 100 MHz 4x4 and 1 LTE cell 20MHz 4x4 at the same time in sub 6GHz bands.
Amarisoft is delighted to participate in the Mobile World Congress 2022 ! Live demos will take place around 5G vRAN and mmWave. We will be glad to meet you there, so don't hesitate to contact us on sales@meshlink.com.tw to arrange a meeting on site !
Join Druid in MWC Barcelona. We can't wait! Have we mentioned we will be in hall 7 on the Irish Pavilion – D71?
NFC Forum certifies Cilab for CR13 testing Cilab has received NFC Forum CR13 certification and is to release a testing suite for its ci230 high-speed tester that will enable developers and manufacturers to check and verify that their NFC devices meet the specification requirements laid out in the CR13 product certification program.
The NFC testing provider, Cilab adds support for NFC Forum wireless charging testing.
Looking forward to seeing you at MWC Barcelona 2022, Hall 7 on the Irish Pavilion – D71. Discover the latest Industry innovations for 5G & 4G Private Cellular Networks from market leader Druid Software.
Live demos will take place around 5G vRAN and mmWave. We will be glad to meet you there, so don't hesitate to contact us on sales@amarisoft.com to arrange a meeting on site ! #mwc22 #5G #vRAN #mmwave #SimpleRAN
Candela, Meshlink solution partner, just released the latest LANforge version 5.4.4. We are excited to introduce the new features of WiFi 6, WiFi 6E and TR-398.
Amarisoft 參與俄羅斯最大的電信商 (Mobile TeleSystems Public)完成世界第一個5G 虛擬網路的上傳鏈路的載波聚合 (World's First Virtualized 5G Uplink Aggregation)
By the end of 2021, in Meshlink office, we setup a stable radiated environment to practice performance test for “5G ⇔ LAN”, “WiFi6/6E ⇔ LAN” and "5G NR ⇔ Wi-Fi6/6E" scenarios.
O-RAN PlugFest in Auray OTIC and Security Lab & Chunghwa Telecom 第一個 O-RAN PlugFest 在台灣 OTIC 舉行,由中華電信和台灣 ORAN 廠商 Sercomm, Alphanetworks... 等共襄盛舉
Druid are delighted to be supporting Proximus and BICS with their 5G (SA) Raemis platform.
5G-ENCODE switches on the second phase of its network at the National Composites Centre moving a step closer to realising the commercial benefits of 5G in manufacturing
“Necessity is the mother of Invention” and the Simnovus Team is one such high-growth company keenly fixated on enabling innovative disruption in the telecom world
The University of Kaiserslautern has implemented a cutting edge 5G O-RAN campus network environment for indoor and outdoor coverage as part of the 5G research project in Kaiserslautern. The project is also funded by the BMVI as part of the 5G research initiative
Communication Technology Services, LLC, (CTS), a leading telecommunications infrastructure solution and managed services provider, announces a strategic partnership with Druid Software
Simnovator Media Pack enables VoLTE/VoNR calls when integrated with Amarisoft UE Simulator Amarisoft, Sophia-Antipolis, France – October 5, 2020 – Simnovus, a startup based in Bangalore (INDIA) has designed a media pack named and trademarked as “SIMNOVATOR®”
Looking forward to seeing you at MWC Barcelona 2022, Hall 7 on the Irish Pavilion – D71. Discover the latest Industry innovations for 5G & 4G Private Cellular Networks from market leader Druid Software.
Looking forward to seeing you at MWC Barcelona 2022, Hall 7 on the Irish Pavilion – D71. Discover the latest Industry innovations for 5G & 4G Private Cellular Networks from market leader Druid Software.
Looking forward to seeing you at MWC Barcelona 2022, Hall 7 on the Irish Pavilion – D71. Discover the latest Industry innovations for 5G & 4G Private Cellular Networks from market leader Druid Software.