[Amarisoft] MWC24回顧-Intel、Cisco和 Neutral Wireless 推出了用於重大體育賽事的突破性 5G 專用網路。
在 MWC24 期間,Intel在 3 號館展位上展示了獨立 (SA) 模式的即時 5G 專用網路。該網路利用了思科的 5G 核心 (5GC) 解決方案、基於 Amarisoft 虛擬無線電存取網路 (vRAN) 建構的 Neutral Wireless 基地台以及 AW2S 的遠端無線電頭端 (RRH)。這些技術體現了英特爾致力於突破 5G 創新界限的承諾。值得注意的是,該專用網路將在今年稍後在法國舉行的世界重大體育賽事期間現場使用。使用 vRAN 作為包括 PHY 層在內的完整軟體的靈活性可以提供無與倫比的性能,特別是在處理大量上行鏈路並行視訊串流方面。這個網絡有望徹底改變觀眾和參與者體驗現場活動的方式。這個 5G 用例不僅凸顯了相關公司的技術能力,還強調了他們致力於提供商業尖端解決方案,重新定義廣播產業的連接標準。
MWC 2024: Intel, Cisco, and Neutral Wireless Unveil Groundbreaking 5G Private Network for Major Sporting Event.
March 03, 2024
During MWC24, Intel showcased in its booth in Hall 3 a live 5G private network in Standalone (SA) mode. This network utilized Cisco's 5G Core (5GC) solution, Neutral Wireless's base station built on Amarisoft's virtual Radio Access Network (vRAN), and AW2S's Remote Radio Head (RRH). The culmination of these technologies demonstrated Intel's commitment to pushing the boundaries of 5G innovation. Notably, this private network is going to be used live during a world major sport event in France later this year. The flexibility of using a vRAN as full software including the PHY layer allows delivering unparalleled performance, particularly in handling a high number of uplink parallel video streams. The network promises to revolutionize the way spectators and participants experience live events. This 5G use case not only highlights the technical capabilities of the involved companies but also underscores their dedication to already delivering commercial cutting-edge solutions that redefine connectivity standards in broadcasting industry.

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