
Excentis, headquartered in Ghent (Belgium), is a center of excellence for telecommunications, built on years of expertise and experience with network technologies. Excentis is to be the leading partner for highly specialized testing, consultancy and training for access network technologies (cable, xDSL, wireless, ...) and related services (data, VoIP, Wi-Fi and iDTV). Supplementary to this portfolio of services, we aim at developing high-quality, customizable test and monitoring solutions. Their strongly held company values of integrity and vendor independence, combined with a well-equipped lab and proven expertise in IP, VoIP, SIP, HFC networks, Wi-Fi®, Interactive Digital TV, network security, DOCSIS®, EuroDOCSIS™ and (Euro)PacketCable™ standards make Excentis the only competence center in Europe to which cable operators, telecom operators and service providers can turn for unbiased, technical support.