Meshlink at MWC 2025 (Barcelona, Spain)
Meshlink邁訊科技的合作夥伴-Amarisoft, Druid, emblasoft, Simnovus, Valid8, Welzek等將在2025 MWC有設立展位,歡迎各方好友及業界夥伴在展會上見面。
Meshlink will be attending MWC 2025 in Barcelona, Spain, and we look forward to connecting with our partners and friends there. Let us know if you'll be attending—we'd love to meet you!
We also welcome industry experts to visit our partners at their booths. Please find the detailed information below.
Amarisoft (Hall 5 Stand 5E31)
Amarisoft是一家專注於通訊產業的法國軟體公司,致力於提供經濟且高品質的4G和5G解決方案。 他們的產品涵蓋從核心網路解決方案到UE模擬器和軟體定義無線電(SDR),以滿足多樣化的產業需求。 Amarisoft的技術可運行於PC上,無需依賴昂貴的FPGA設計,提供更靈活且成本效益更高的解決方案。 他們的產品被廣泛應用於測試與量測,以及公共和私人網路的部署,協助合作夥伴建立和優化網路,以滿足現有和新興的連接需求。
Druid(Hall 6 Stand 6C40)
Druid Software是一家位於愛爾蘭的蜂窩核心網路軟體公司,成立於2000年。該公司專注於開發私有5G和4G/LTE網路解決方案,為企業提供關鍵的行動通信服務。其核心技術平台Raemis支援整合4G、3G、2G和Wi-Fi無線電,能夠與任何供應商的無線電設備協同運作,實現獨立的蜂窩核心網路解決方案。Druid Software的解決方案涵蓋企業通信、行動邊緣計算、物聯網(IoT)和公共安全等領域,致力於為各行業提供先進的蜂窩技術支援。
Looking forward to seeing you at MWC Barcelona 2025, March 3-6 @ Stall 6C40 in Hall 6. Discover the latest Industry innovations for 5G & 4G Private Cellular Networks from market leader Druid Software.
Some of our latest developments include:
- 5G & 4G NHN (Neutral Host Networks)
- Industrial IoT & 5G LAN, Industry 5.0
- The latest 5G SA private network features
- Enterprise slicing & URLLC (Ultra low latency)
- Location, LMF (Location Management Function)
- Distributed Architecture for easy centralised control & remote management
- 5G NTN (Non Terrestrial Networks)
- Latest Wifi & eSIM integration
Emblasoft’s Evolver was integral to efforts to test, validate, and explore the service-based architecture in the 5G standalone core network. We can help you assure your innovations too.
Meet our team to learn how Evolver offers:
- Automated testing for the 5G and LTE core
- Terabit+ throughput testing with XDP
- Active network slice monitoring
- Scalability and performance testing for A2P & P2P SMS and RCS
- Multi-protocol testing for SS7, Diameter, 5G SBI and more
Book a Meeting with emblasoft!
Simnovus (Executive Meeting Room #7E9Ex)
網路模擬器:用於驗證5G/4G UE,支援所有頻率和頻段,具備內建的通道模擬功能,可在實驗室中進行故障測試。
Whether it is Non-Terrestrial Networks, Enterprise 5G, or Fixed Wireless Access, Simnovus products help you validate real-world scenarios with ease.Meet Simnovus at Executive Meeting Room #7E9Ex from March 3-6, 2025, to explore how Simnovus is transforming 5G and Open RAN testing.
Valid8 (Hall 5 Stand 5K36)
Valid8是一家擁有20年經驗的網絡測試公司,專注於提供靈活且經濟實惠的測試解決方案。 Valid8的管理團隊由多位技術專家組成,包括總裁兼首席執行官Ian Carpenter、首席技術官Stuart Allen、首席運營官兼工程助理副總裁Winnie Carpenter,以及業務發展副總裁Nik Muzumdar等。他們致力於將工程師直接與客戶對接,確保以最簡單的方式解決客戶的測試需求。此外,Valid8還在關鍵任務通信領域取得了重要成果。他們成功完成了DHS SBIR 23.1第一階段的MCX技術目標,成為首家在商用MCX伺服器上執行自動化任務關鍵即時對講(MCPTT)伺服器對伺服器測試的公司。這展示了他們在創建和驗證符合3GPP規範的MCX伺服器測試工具方面的能力。
We are excited to be an exhibitor at MWC Barcelona this coming March 3-6! Stop by booth 5K36 to check out some exciting new Virtual Labs technology and network security solutions
Welzek (Hall 5 Stand 5I85)
為准電子(Welzek)是一家專注於無線測量儀表的公司,其核心團隊擁有豐富的無線領域開發經驗,特別是在移動通信測試儀表方面積累了深厚的技術實力。為准電子的自研產品包括T6290系列終端綜合測試儀和K6206系列直流程控電源,公司致力於為無線終端製造企業提供全面的生產測試服務,客戶遍布全球主要電子生產製造集中區域。在技術創新方面,為准電子積極拓展新興領域。2023年3月,公司加入了FiRa國際聯盟,旨在為超寬帶(UWB)生態系統提供更優質的測試方案。這次MWC展會,Welzek將帶來最新的通信規範量測,從現有的短距通訊(Wi-Fi7、Bluetooth 6.0、GNSS、UWB、LORA)、長距通訊(2G/3G/LTE/5G NR到最新的Docsis3.0/4.0 底層訊號量測。
Welzek is a High-Tech Enterprise established in 2014, focuses on R&D, production, sales and service of wireless communication test products. Welzek has established a comprehensive product line that encompasses Welzek-branded wireless testers, programmable DC power supplies, and efficient automated wireless testing tools, providing a full range of testing solution for customers.