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[Druid] Druid Software Participated In ETSI FRMCS Plugtest

2024/7/1當週,Druid Software 參加了 ETSI在法國 ETSI Antibes Sophia Antipolis 場所舉行的第四FRMCS 插拔測試(Plugtest)。 ETSI 在歐盟委員會 (EC)、歐洲自由貿易協會 (EFTA)、關鍵通訊協會 (TCCA) 和國際化學聯盟 (UIC) 的支持下組織本次活動。


對於鐵路通信,任務關鍵型通信(MCX, Mission Crtitical Communication) 對於時速高達500 公里/小時的列車運行是強制性的,其中超可靠的實時軌道安全信息、定位、車廂信息、列車到列車以及列車到指揮和控制中心需要通過以下方式實現:高速度和低延遲。這也包括不同國家和 FRMCS 網路之間的漫遊解決方案。


在插拔測試(Plugtest)中,Druid Software的技術專家整合Raemis™ 4G/5G 核心解決方案與產業合作夥伴的不同 MCX AS(關鍵任務應用伺服器,, Mission Critical Application Servers)。 MCX 應用程式將用於關鍵任務語音、視訊和數據通訊。透過與 Raemis™ 平台的集成,MCX 應用伺服器可以管理 5G 網路切片,從而為所有 MCX 服務提供專用性和正確的優先順序。在插拔測試(Plugtest)中,根據 3GPP 定義的標準測試和驗證整合。


常規 MCX 插拔測試和 FRMCS 插拔測試之間的差異在於,在 FRMCS 插拔測試中,我們整合了特定於 FRMCS 目的的應用程式伺服器和應用程式。 FRMCS(未來鐵路行動通訊系統)是歐洲鐵路通訊系統,將於 2035 年取代 GSM-R (2G),具有 UIC(國際鐵路聯盟)與常規 MCX 服務相關的特定定義功能。即使在擁有其他傳統鐵路通訊標準的國家,未來也有興趣採用新的 FRMCS 5G 標準。


Druid Software 作為 TCCA(關鍵通訊協會)成員,在關鍵任務通訊領域擁有悠久的歷史,因此願意參加 MCX 和 FRMCS 外掛程式測試活動。我們看到了可靠的關鍵任務通訊在不同行業中的重要性,特別是在鐵路通訊領域,其中通訊的好與壞之間的差異可能是生死攸關的問題。




From 1 to 5 July 2024 , Druid Software participated in ETSI’s 4th FRMCS plugtest at the ETSI Antibes Sophia Antipolis premises in France. ETSI organised this event, with the support of the European Commission (EC), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the Critical Communications Association (TCCA) and the Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC).


For Railway communications, mission critical communication is mandatory with running trains at speeds up to 500 km/h where ultra reliable real time track safety information, positioning, cabin information, train to train and train to command and control centres, need to be achieved with high speeds and low latency. This also includes roaming solutions between different countries and FRMCS networks.


At the plugtest, Druid Software technical experts integrated Raemis™ 4G/5G core solution with different MCX AS (Mission Critical Application Servers) from partners in the industry. The MCX applications were used for Mission Critical Voice, Video and Data communications. With the integration on the Raemis™ platform, the MCX application server can manage 5G network slicing to get dedication and the right prioritisation for all MCX services. At the plugtest we test and validate the integration according to the 3GPP defined standards.


The difference between a regular MCX Plugtest and the FRMCS plugtest is that at the FRMCS plugtest we integrate the application servers and applications specific for FRMCS purposes. FRMCS, the Future Railway Mobile Communication System is the European railway communication system that will replace GSM-R (2G) by 2035 has in relation to regular MCX services specific defined features by the UIC (International Union of Railways). Even in countries with other legacy railway communication standards there is interest to adopt the new FRMCS 5G standard in the future.


Druid Software, as TCCA member (The Critical Communication Association) has already a long track record in the area of mission critical communications and therefore is willing to participate to the MCX and FRMCS plugtest events. We see the importance of reliable mission critical communication in the different industries and especially in the Railway communication sector where the difference between good and bad communication can be a matter of life and death.


Author: Raymond Valk





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