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[Valid8] Testing Functional Aliases for Railway Communications by Valid8

測試鐵路通訊的功能別名(Functional Aliases)


鐵路行業,特別是歐洲的鐵路行業,正在尋求從全球鐵路移動通信系統 (GSM-R) 轉向 FRMCS(未來鐵路移動通信系統)。 與許多行業一樣,目前使用的技術已經過時,並且很快就會過時。  


GSM-R國際無線通訊標準於1990年代製定,已廣泛用於世界各地的鐵路通訊。該標準基於 2G GSM 技術,因此隨著世界轉向 5G 技術,該標準有許多限制。  


正在開發的新型列車無線電系統基於 5G,鐵路工程師表示,「將為日常和緊急需求提供可靠、低延遲、關鍵任務的通訊。它還將為大規模和關鍵機器類型通訊和物聯網(IoT)等應用提供支援。  


功能別名(Functional Aliases)的角色是 FRMCS 中的一個重要領域。正如《今日關鍵通信》中所討論的,功能別名允許「使用者(根據其當前的操作角色)向其他人展示他們的形象。 雖然這看起來是新標準可以解決的簡單功能,但實際上該功能具有很大的複雜性,可能會對標準開發的其他領域產生影響。  


在鐵路中,隨著鐵路從一個地點移動到另一個地點,火車司機可能會發生變化。 能夠透過功能別名存取目前駕駛員資訊是非常重要。 此外,配備行動網路的車廂可以根據不同的旅程進行重新配置。 必須考慮這些變化,以便在緊急情況下找到正確的駕駛員和位置。  


Valid8 一直與業界密切合作來開發測試,以確保功能別名的正常運作。 這包括測試 MCX 伺服器(控制伺服器或參與伺服器)和客戶端的位置  


  • 可以配置和建立功能別名
  • 檢查功能別名的狀態
  • 啟用/停用功能別名。


這些測試是 Valid8 模擬技術廣泛的一致性、效能負載和安全測試功能的一部分。 作為 ETSI Plugtests 的定期參與者,Valid8 與關鍵通訊產業的供應商合作,協助開發和測試標準。  


隨著鐵路業從 GSM-R 轉向 FRMCS,Functional Alias 等測試功能將有助於確保新基礎設施的可靠性。 Valid8 廣泛的測試套件對於幫助過渡至關重要。  

Testing Functional Aliases for Railway Communications


The rail industry, particularly in Europe, is looking to move away from the Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway (GSM-R) to FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System).  Like many industries, the technologies currently in use are dated and quickly reach obsolescence.  


The GSM-R international wireless communication standard, developed in the 1990s, has been used for railway communications across the world. The standard is based on 2G GSM technology and as such has many limitations as the world moves to 5G technologies.  


The new train radio system being developed is based on 5G and according to Rail Engineer, “will provide reliable, low-latency, mission-critical communications for routine and emergency requirements. It will also provide for applications such as massive and critical machine type communications and the Internet of Things (IoT).”  


One area of importance in the move to FRMCS is the role of Functional Aliases. As discussed in Critical Communications Today, Functional Alias handling allows “a user to (based on their current operational role) show how they will appear to others.  While this appears like a straightforward capability to be addressed with the new standards, in reality there are impactful complexities in the feature that may have an impact on other areas of the standards development.  


In rail, the train’s driver may change as the rail moves from location to location.  Being able to access the current driver via Functional Alias is important.  Additionally, carriages that are cellular-equipped may be reconfigured based on different journeys.  These variations must be accounted for so that in the event of an emergency the correct driver and location be reached.  


Valid8 has been working closely with the industry to develop tests to ensure proper operation of the Functional Alias.  This includes testing where the MCX servers (either controlling or participating server) and clients  


  • Can configure and create a Functional Alias
  • Check the status of a Functional Alias
  • Activate/Deactivate a Functional Alias.


These tests are part of the broad conformance, performance load and security testing capabilities of Valid8’s emulation technology.  As a regular participant in ETSI Plugtests, Valid8 collaborates with vendors across the critical communications industry to help develop and test standards.  


As the rail industry moves from GSM-R to FRMCS, testing capabilities such as Functional Alias will help ensure the reliability of the new infrastructure.  Valid8’s broad testing suite will be integral to helping with the transition.  




Meshlink邁訊科技是台灣專業的5G測試及服務提供廠商,在關鍵任務通訊的佈建或開發上提供了專業的測試工具平台Valid8協助客戶。同時邁訊科技也是5G專網平台Druid Raemis在台灣的代理商,我們提供台灣的客戶5G專網的導入與諮詢,從實驗網到真實應用場景佈建的整合方案。Meshlink提供包含行動式及固定式機櫃、電信等級伺服器、L2/L3交換機、PBX交換機、室內外使用之小基站、eSIM方案、MCPTT、FRMCS整合等。藉由與我們網路專家的諮詢,Meshlink邁訊科技將為客戶配置最適合的方案,讓5G專網為企業帶來最佳的優勢。請立即與我們的網路專家聯絡:support@meshlink.com.tw